Wednesday, March 25, 2009

HARMONY - Knowing our oneness

Knowing our oneness, we live in harmony with one another.

A heartwarming story about a female dog that lovingly mothers six orphan kittens makes the national news. Perhaps the underlying message for people is that harmony is always possible because it's not about looking the same or sounding the same. It's about knowing our oneness and letting our unique qualities enhance our relationships.

People from different backgrounds often have different ideas about the same subject. Yet a diversity of ideas can lead to a hybrid idea--one that is a combination of the best of all ideas, a divine plan.

All was created by God and called good. So harmony is the norm when we interact with one another as we were created to act--with love and understanding, with compassion and consideration.

"May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you
to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus."
--Romans 15:5

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