Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Develop a New Vision

Vision is not the ability to predict the future; it is a commitment to pursue possibility. Vision asks questions no one else even seems to know exist. Vision is the grace to evaluate the present and then to ask, Why not? of the future.

In a world where contaminated water is a child's worst enemy, where 44,000,000 people lack medical insurance in the richest nation in the world, where a government refuses to sign a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, where women everywhere are routinely denied the status of full human beings in both church and state, it is time to develop a new vision. It is time to ask, Why not? again. Not for our sakes only, I learned from my foremothers, but for the sake of those who will come after us.

— Joan Chittister in Seeing With Our Souls

To Practice This Today:
Write a vision statement for yourself.

What possibilities do you want to pursue?

To encourage yourself, make a list of changes you have already seen, say in the last one to five years,
that are consistent with your vision of a better world.

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