Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hello from Napa Valley

Peace and all Good from sunny Napa Valley, from the town of St Helena. I am staying with a Jewish/Catholic couple who wedding I officiated at in 1990. Their three children now know that each day when they come home from school that I have a question: "What did you learn in school today? Tell me one thing you learned." My father would ask the five of us that same question each evening at the dinner table. We could not say: "Nothing!" That was not an answer.

On another question: What do you see, hear, learn,....that evoked from you a heart-felt: "WOW!"
That sense of wonder that we too easily and quickly loose. So, what did you WOW about today?
I wowed at miles and miles of vineyards in this valley called Napa, i.e., Abundance. I wowed at the children's sense of generosity and kindness. I wowed at how blessed I am to have friends from coast to coast, and the ability to enjoy, share, and visit them. I wowed at........so much. How about you? What have you wowed at today? The goodness of others, the uniquness of others, the difference in others that makes us all so unique and precious? Say WOW at least five more times today, beginning a big WOW when you look into the mirror.

Wisdom is born of Wonder!

1 comment:

Bike said...

Enjoy the warmth and WOW of the California sun...