Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chicago Marathon

Today is October 12. Here in Chicago, the 80 degree sunshine. And I am not running in the Chicago Marathon today through 29 neighborhoods. Have any of you ever run in a Marathon?
Any comments on your experience?


Bill B. said...

Nice to see you on the blogosphere!

Muinteoir said...

Charles good to see you are entering the blog world. I have never run a marathon it is on my bucket list of things to do. looking forward to hearing you more now!

Bike said...

I echo bill b., it's nice to see you in the blog-world.

I too have found great benefit in creating blogs to help me and others along this journey of life. I blog about my garden, which my 3 year old helps with, I blog about Taize, I maintain a blog to assist me in remembering all my prayers of thanks, of intercession etc. and many more Yes, I love the blog world.

I've stopped by many spiritual blogs written by priests, deacons, brothers, sisters and Catholic 'livers' but yours will be the first where I do know the author... thanks for sharing.

No...I have never run the CM, but admire all my friends that do...


Mrs. Skinny Con Leche' said...

Father Chuck, we are so excited about your journey into blogdom as a fellow blogger, I can assure you it is addictive for all involved.
Writing, much like running a marathon, begins and ends with purposeful, deliberate steps.
Now, since lying in a priest's blog is probably a venial sin, I have no marathon-participation experience, other than following Husband in his many races. I was the one in the car and often amazed at the diversity of the participants!
Much like life, the folks competing in that long, exhaustive event do not always fit into our expectations.
They just don't look the part.
Great athletes? Marathoners? No So Much!
They might be too slow, too old, too heavy; yet they reach the finish line and again remind us of the old can't thing!
Think of you often,

Anonymous said...

Hi Father Chuck -- You may not remember me but we met in Kona last year when you presented the parish mission. I was able to procure the Brahm's piece you wanted.

I did run the Chicago Marathon in 1995 and it was a fabulous experience. I enjoyed the discipline of training for it, the friendships I made while running for long miles w/ my fellow CARA (Chicago Area Runners Assoc.) members, and the clarity that all that training and discipline brought to all areas of my life.

I also raised pledges for my favorite charity -- Mercy Home for Boys & Girls -- so there was over $6,000 riding on my successfully completing the course.

It was a glorious day -- cool and sunny -- and there were thousands of spectators along the route, cheering us on. I can't tell you how very meaningful it is to have all those people cheering for you, because at several points along the way, you really begin to tire. But when you hear onlookers rooting for you, it gives you new energy. Also, all of the different ethnic neighborhoods really put on a show, with Mariachi bands in Pilsen, dancing paper Dragons in Chinatown, etc. It really helped to take your mind off your little aches and pains!!

I finished in 4 hrs., 52 minutes, and I was thrilled. Father Close from Mercy Home was waiting for me at the finish line -- as was the Sam Adams beer tent. I'm not sure which I was more grateful to see!!

Mary Pat

mary ramsden said...

Hi, Fr Chuck!

Haven't run any marathons---but we did have the Rainbow Animal Assisted Crisis Response Dogs out to greet and support the Achilles Freedom Team members and families at their "Tune Up" on Saturday at the Courtyard Hotel. What an inspiration---these are all veterans who have lost limbs. They use hand crank cycles to compete. Amazing people who have suffered so much and yet get out there and show the world that life does go on.

So keep on bloggin' away! This is gonna be a blast!


Anonymous said...

Hi Fr. Chuck! Welcome to the world of blogging! Jim and I also have two blogs - one to chronicle our adventures since getting married last year and the other is our cooking blog.

I thought I would participate in your blog and comment on your marathon post...I did run the Chicago Marathon in 2003 and it was an amazing experience - from the training, all the way through the race. I ran as part of a charity team for Children's Memorial Hospital and one of my most vivid memories of the race was as I was coming up Roosevelt, my legs aching and only moving because I knew that the only way to finish was to keep running. As I turned that corner, I saw a sign that said, "remember why you're running." I still get goosebumps when I think about it now. It gave me that extra jolt to make it the last .2 of a mile. And then I joined the world of marathon finishers. I hope to run Chicago again sometime well and we hope to see you soon!