Monday, October 13, 2008

Quincy IL -

Hello from Quincy IL. I drove the almost five hours today, Monday October 13, from Chicago
to Quincy IL. I will be here for three days to visit Franciscan Friars and three classmates from
the seminary days of 1954. We Friars built a school here in 1861. This school has become Quincy University. In the 1960's we built a college seminary in Quincy, about a mile from the University Campus. My first visit to Quincy was in 1958 when I was a senior in the high school seminary in Westmont, IL. We Friars also serve in the parish of St Francis Solanus across the street from the University.
Lincoln-Douglas debated in Quincy in 1858. Quincy is built on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. Mark Twain territory - Hannibal, MO is only ten miles down river. The last time I was here was nine years ago. Will be back in Chicago on Thursday.

Have any of you ever been to Quincy or attended our Franicscan Quincy College, now University?
May the Lord give you Peace!


Anonymous said...

Hi Fr Chuck.
Not a marathoner and never had any desire to be one--too old and broken down to start now.
Howdy and best wishes from Clearwater Beach, FL where we have sunny skies and 80 degree hurricanes on the radar.
Stay well and God's blessings.

Karen O'Brien said...

Hi Fr. Chuck. Of course, Mike and I met at Quincy College in 1984. Fr. F.J. was one of our friends. He would tell Mike, 'You must be a sweet talkin' Irishman to get her as your girlfriend!' Rest his soul.

You married us in 1987. We have only been back to Quincy 1 time (I'm ashamed to say).

Last week, a 25 year old named Dan Jackson was killed in a car accident here in St. Charles. He graduated from Marmion (where our boys are) in 2001. He went to Quincy University on a full football scholarship and graduated in 2005. He was currently coaching football at Marmion. I don't know if the news about his death made it back to Quincy or not. We didn't know him personally, but are keeping him and his family in our prayers.

Enjoy your visit! I don't know if any of our teachers are still there. Fr. Phil is one I'll always remember.

Take care, Karen

Bike said...

I'm not a QC grad, but had more than a few close friends from my home town/Springfield and friends from Jerseyville that are QC grads from the '80's. I was there a few times to visit, but it's been over 20 years

Enjoy your visit!