Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pro- Life: All Life

Here at our Friary called Antonianum (St. Anthony's Place) the four of us Friars pray together every morning. One of our petitions at Morning Prayer is for the abundant out-pouring of the
Holy Spirit on all Americans as we prepare to chose our next President. I have a great concern
that some people are narrowing their choice based on one issue. I cannot understand that approach. There are so many issues - justice, peace, health-care, education, child-care, aids, etc.

All of these issues are about Life and for them all we need to be Pro-Life. Only to choose or focus on one issue is missing the forest because of looking at only one tree. There is a forest of needs and life/justice issues that we all need to look at, pray over, listen to and discuss what is being proposed.

May the Holy Spirit aid us all in this time of discernment.
May the Lord give you Peace and Everything Good!


Mrs. Skinny Con Leche' said...

Father Chuck for Vice President!!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, for the millions of God's children slaughtered before they can draw their first breath and the countless others who just barely draw a breath but are deemed unworthy or too troublesome to survive, the reality is that "justice, peace, health-care, education, child-care" are just words. All those noble goals lose their meaning when we ignore the first goal… giving God’s children a chance to survive and perhaps someday help bring about “justice, peace, health-care, education, child-care".
P.S. Glad to see you’re still at it Friar Chuck. Know that you are loved and missed here in Tucson.
Pace e Bene.

greenacresmom said...

Well said Fr. Chuck,

Now that I am living in the land of conservative America my ears are constantly ringing with the mantra that to stay in communion with the Catholic Church I must vote for a certain candidate/party.
In fact the rate of abortions has increased dramatically over the past 8 years. Economic factors are the primary driver in a woman's decision to abort her child.
Voting for a candidate who promotes economic justice is a pro-life vote. Raise my taxes to pay for better health care for all!
Jennifer Murphy

mary ramsden said...

Amen, Fr Chuck!

I passed by the parish I grew up in (which shall remain nameless) this past weekend and saw yet again the hundreds upon hundreds of little white crosses that are placed there every October with the admonition to stop abortion. It makes me so furious I can barely keep from driving off the road. Why does it infuriate me? Because it only focuses on the unborn. Believe me, I am not pro abortion---but I am also not pro war, pro death penalty, nor pro anything that kills or robs anyone of their dignity.

I admit that I made a special trip out to see Bill Maher's movie: 'Religulous'. Truth is I would encourage everyone to see it. It will (and should) scare the putty out of you when you see how blind faith without the benefit of gray matter has crept into our lives like a poison. What is it about religion (and I do make the distinction between a spiritual life and religion) that robs bright, responsible people of all common sense and reason?

I remember the good sisters that taught me in school always said, "use your head for something more than a hat rack". We would all do well as a nation to heed those wise words.

Just my .02


Anonymous said...

Vic, I've never met you, but you said it so eloquently. If we as a country don't get back to protecting life in it's very beginnings, we will not survive as a nation.
I too, pray that Americans will wake up and pray and listen to God's small voice in their hearts and get back to the basics.